The patient forum was established in 2005. Meetings were held on a quarterly basis to discuss practice issues, concerns, future plans and initiatives – we aim to continue the regularity of the meetings on a quarterly basis.
The patient forum consists of voluntary registered patients from the practice and members of the practice team. Its main aim is to help the practice enhance service provision to all its patients. Members come from various backgrounds and bring their professional and experiences with them to group meetings. At the current time the patient forum consists of 6 members. Four are male, and 2 are female and are within an age range of 56-83 years. Some members are retired whilst others are in employment. At the current time the dominant ethnicity is white, despite a robust marketing campaign – we would very much welcome representation from other groups.
The patient forum is not a forum for clinical complaints, but to encourage open discussion of the changes and initiatives within the practice, we are here to get patient and practice perspective on new concepts and review any services we initiate.
Patient Survey
During January and February 2019 the practice asked 200 patients to complete a survey aimed at capturing feedback and opinions about the service we offer. The practice is also keen to hear about suggestions/ideas for possible future services. A summary of the survey is available to view.
The full results are available from the Practice Manager upon request. The results were discussed and an action plan has been formulated
Minutes of Meetings
PPG Reports
Cluster Patient Forum
The patient group meeting also meets with other patient groups in the Coalfields area – this group is known at the Cluster Patient Forum, and has a voice that is heard by those who are making changes to services affecting patients in the area